Stimate Doamne,
Stimati Domni,
Ieri, 11.09.2013, la termenul de judecata in dosarul Tribunalului Bucuresti 24665/3/2010/a42, avand ca obiect contestatia impotriva raportului administratorilor judiciari privind cauzele insolventei, instanta a desemnat expertul contabil care va efectua expertiza contabila cu obiectivele constand in analiza fluxurilor de numerar ale Euro Habitat SRL in perioada 2007-2010, aflarea cauzelor insolventei, a persoanelor carora le-ar fi imputabila insolventa, a actelor frauduloase incheiate de catre Euro Habitat in perioada 2007-2010.
Urmatorul termen de judecata in acest dosar este in data de 18.12.2013, data pana la care speram ca va fi efectuata expertiza.
Urmatorul termen de judecata important este cel din data de 25.09.2013, in dosarul de insolventa principal , 24665/3/2010, cat si in dosarele avand ca obiect cererea cumparatorilor de apartamente din T1 si T4 de predare a acestor apartamente libere de sarcini si, respectiv, cererea cumparatorilor de locuri de parcare din T3 de predare a locurilor de parcare libere de sarcini.
Prezenta dvs la acest termen de judecata va fi foarte importanta.
Pana la acea data, va anuntam ca grupul de initiativa T1/T4 si reprezentantul dvs in Comitetul Creditorilor, dl.Florin Vasile, vor avea o intalnire cu noi in data de Joi, 19.09.2013, ora 13.00, la sediul societatii noastre. Subiectul discutiei va fi, pe langa actiunile de urmat in dosarele aflate pe rolul instantelor, si propunerea de formulare a unei plangeri penale pentru abuz in serviciu contra intereselor persoanelor impotriva Administratorilor judiciari si a Bancii, in calitate de Presedinte al Comitetului Creditorilor, pentru neurmarirea actelor frauduloase ale Euro Habitat si a persoanelor care au concurat la starea de insolventa, precum si pentru neexecutarea obligatiilor contractuale din contractele de vanzare-cumparare aflate in derulare.
Va invitam sa apreciati daca va veti insusi o astfel de plangere penala.
Va aratam ca societatea noastra, la cererea unuia dintre cumparatorii pagubiti, a formulat deja o plangere pentru deturnare de fonduri, infractiune prevazuta atat de Legea 31/1990 a societatilor comerciale cat si de Legea 85/2006 a insolventei. Oricare dintre dvs, de asemenea, se va putea alatura acestei plangeri, conferindu-i astfel o mai mare greutate in fata organelor de cercetare penala.
Cu consideratiune,
Dear Madams
Dear Sirs,
Yesterday, on 11thSept.2013, at Bucharest Court took place the hearing in file no.24665/3/2010/a42 , having as object the appeal against the report the reciver in bankruptcy issued regarding the causes of insolvency of Euro Habitat,and the court appointed chartered accountant who will perform accounting expertise with the objectives consisting in analyzing cash flow of Euro Habitat SRL between 2007-2010, finding out the causes of insolvency, establishing the individuals responsable for the insolvency and identify fraudulent documents concluded by Euro Habitat during the period 2007-2010.
The next hearing in this file is 18th Dec. 2013, the date up to which we hope the expertise will be done.
The next important hearing is 25th Sept. 2013, in the main fille of insolvency, 24665/3/2010, as well as in filles having as object the buyers of apartments in T1 and T4 request on taking over these free of tasks apartments and also buyers of parking spaces in T3 demand in taking over parking lots free of charge (unencumbered).
Please note that your presence in the court at this hearing is extremely important!
We kindly inform you that until this hearing, the initiative group of T1/T4 and your representative in the Committtee of creditors, Mr. Florin Vasile, will come for a meeting with us, Thursday, 19th Sept.2013, 1:00 pm, which will take place at our headquarter.. During this meeting we will discuss not only the strategy to be followed in the files pending before the courts but also the proposal of issuing a criminal complaint for misfeasance spared contra the interests of individuals brought against the receivers in bankruptcy, against the Bank, as chairman of the Committee of Creditors, for the fact they did not investigated the illegal actions of Euro Habitat SRL and the against the individuals responsable in insolvency and for not accomplishing the contractual obligations from the sale contracts in progress.
We invite you to appreciate whether you acquire such a criminal complaint.
We inform you that our company, at the request of one prejudiced buyer, already submmited a clriminal complaint for embezzlement, crime incriminated both by law 31/1990 of commercial companies and the law 85/2006 of insolvency. All of you,, will also be able to join this criminal complaint, thereby giving it greater weight in front of the criminal investigators.
With consideration,
Mihai Neacsu
Avocat asociat coordonator
Str. Turturelelor, nr.48, etaj 3,
Sector 3, Bucuresti, 030882, Romania
Tel: 004-021.313.44.41; 004-021.313.44.42; 004-021.539.22.23
Mobil 0741.254.595
Fax: 004-021.326.44.48