Stimate Doamne,
Stimati Domni,
Adunarea Creditorilor de astazi nu a putut lua nicio hotarare din lipsa de cvorum. In afara de cumparatori nu a fost prezent niciun creditor! In aceste conditii, adunarea va fi reconvocata. In cazul in care, si la reconvocare, nu se va intruni cvorumul necesar, judecatorul sindic va decide utilitatea acestei masuri.
In opinia noastra, asa cum am aratat si astazi cumparatorilor prezenti, aceasta adunare a creditorilor nu ne este utila, hotararea supusa ei (aprobarea cererilor cumparatorilor de a obtine transferul liber de sarcini al apartamentelor in stadiul actual de executie) fiind de competenta exclusiva a judecatorului sindic.
In ce priveste solutia pronuntata in dosarul 24665/3/2010/a42 (contestatia noastra impotriva raportului privind cauzele insolventei), care a avut termen la 12.06.2013, judecatorul sindic a respins exceptia netimbrarii contestatiei de catre creditor (!), urmatorul termen de judecata fiind stabilit la 11.09.2013, pentru cand se vor cita din nou partile in vederea “discutarii probelor”. Solutia este, aparent, favorabila noua, urmeaza insa ca, dupa redactarea incheierii, sa aflam in ce masura s-au pastrat masurile dispuse de catre instanta in sedinta de judecata (plata taxei de timbru de catre fiecare contestator – minuta face referire la un singur creditor – , insusirea probei cu expertiza, pentru care am achitat deja, in termenul legal, onorariul de expert dispus de catre instanta).
Cu consideratiune,
Mihai Neacsu
Florin Vasile
Dear Madams, Dear Sirs,
Creditors meeting today could not take any decision due to lack of quorum. Apart from the buyers, no other creditor was present! In these circumstances, the meeting will be reconvened. If quorum will not be meet again , the syndic judge will decide the usefulness of this measure.
In our opinion, as we showed today to the buyers attending this meeting, the decision of the creditors is not useful, the decision (to approve free of charge transfer of the apartments in the actual state of execution) is the exclusive competence of the syndic judge.
Regarding the outcome of the case 24665/3/2010/a42 (our appeal against the report on the causes of insolvency), held on 06/12/2013, the judge denied the request filled by Piraeus to annul the contestation for. The next court hearing was set on 11/09/2013, when parties will be summoned again to „discuss the proofs”. The solution is apparently favorable to us but we’ll be able to have a conclusion only after the decision of the judge will be drafted, to find out to what extent the measures taken were kept by the court (stamp duty to be paid by each complainant, accountancy expertise – for which we already paid in legal term the expert fees ordered by the court).
Best wishes,